Proud to now be a PRI signatory.
We are proud indeed. As of 23rd March 2018, our commitment to the development of a more stable, sustainable, and responsible global financial system became an established goal when we joined a worldwide network of thousands of fellow investors, all of whom have pledged to put the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) into practice.
Developed by investors for investors in partnership with the United Nations, the PRI is essentially a best practice framework that establishes a global benchmark for long-term value creation through good governance, integrity, and accountability. More specifically, it outlines how investment and ownership decisions can be best aligned with environmental, social, and governance considerations.
Compliance with the PRI is assuredly a win-win approach for both investors and investees as it benefits not only the financial markets and economies within which we operate but ultimately, our environment and our society.
Responsible Investment Policy Statement
On 23rd March 2018, Xeraya became a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) thereby committing to the development of a more stable, sustainable and responsible global financial system.
Xeraya has set out a structured approach to managing environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and value-creating opportunities in ensuring the long-term sustainability of investment returns of our investment portfolios. Xeraya has integrated the principles and best practices in ESG considerations to derive increased value creation opportunities in our investments. XCL is committed to consider material ESG issues in the course of its due diligence and in the monitoring of portfolio investments to the extent reasonably practical under the circumstances.
The Responsible Investing policy will apply to all investments made by Xeraya and will be interpreted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations within the appropriate jurisdictions of the investments. In cases where Xeraya determines it has limited ability to conduct diligence or to influence and control the integration of ESG considerations in the investment—for example, in cases where Xeraya is a minority shareholder, or where other circumstances affect Xeraya’s ability to assess, set, or monitor ESG-related performance goals—it may not necessarily be feasible to implement holistic ESG-related principles. However, in such instances, where possible and appropriate, XCL will exercise reasonable efforts to encourage its portfolio companies to consider adoption of relevant ESG-related principles through available channels.
Xeraya recognises the importance of incorporating ESG considerations into all stages of the investment process. Xeraya is committed to consider material ESG issues in the course of its due diligence prior to making its investment and to include ESG considerations as standard practice in investment meetings and committee discussions.
The monitoring of portfolio investments will seek to exercise care in channelling inputs and feedback to the company to seek the incorporation of responsible investment principles, with the aim of maximising the returns on investment for all stakeholders.
For the purposes of this policy, “material” ESG issues are defined as those issues that Xeraya in its sole discretion determines to have the potential to directly cause a substantial impact on an organization’s ability to create, preserve, or erode economic value, as well as environmental and social value for itself, society and its stakeholders.
Xeraya’s investment professionals are primarily responsible for ensuring that the consideration of ESG issues is integrated into Xeraya’s investment decisions in collaboration with nominees from Investment Management and Monitoring Operations (“IMMO”), Strategic Research, Finance, Legal and Compliance teams (collectively referred to as “PRI Team”). Where additional subject matter expertise may be needed, the teams will utilize external resources as relevant and necessary.
In connection with its investment funds, Xeraya will act in a manner which is firm to its partners, stakeholders and investee companies, but will also be fair when seeking to arrive at a mutually acceptable goal:
4.1 Consider environmental, public health, safety, and social issues associated with target companies when evaluating whether to invest in a particular company or entity.
4.2 Where applicable, post-investments, Xeraya shall consider environmental, public health, safety, social issues as well as relevant related ESG matters when evaluating available information and while forming the decision-making process for the company throughout Xeraya’s period of ownership.
4.3 Be accessible to, and engage with, relevant stakeholders either directly or through representatives of portfolio companies, as appropriate.
4.4 Grow and improve the companies in which Xeraya invests for long-term sustainability and to benefit multiple stakeholders, including on environmental, social, and governance issues.
4.5 XCL will work through appropriate governance structures (e.g., board of directors) that provide appropriate levels of oversight in the areas of audit, risk management, and potential conflicts of interest, and to implement compensation and other policies that align the interests of owners and management at all times, while at the same time exercising discretion and recognising the maturity of the company while forming the decision.
4.6 Remain committed to ensuring each investment complies with applicable national, state, and local labor laws in the countries in which Xeraya invests; support the payment of competitive wages and benefits to employees; provide a safe and healthy workplace in conformance with national and local law; and, consistent with applicable laws.
4.7 Particular attention will be paid to company actions consistent with ESG principles that carries significant social impact and concern, amongst which issues pertaining to potential corrupt acts or where possible infringements of human rights issues may be involved will be given due emphasis.
4.8 Encourage Xeraya portfolio companies to advance these same principles in a way that is consistent with their fiduciary duties.
5.1 ESG Integration
The sustainability performance of companies can impact their ability to create long term value for investors, and therefore we consider ESG integration an important instrument to improve the risk-return profile of the investments we make. At Xeraya, we structurally integrate ESG factors into our investment decision making process. The focus is on ESG factors that are material from a financial or risk point of view.
5.2 Engagement and Stewardship
To promote the long term success of companies, Xeraya acknowledges the importance of investor stewardship. It is in the best interest of our partners that we monitor the companies in which we invest, that we vote on the shares that we hold, and that we engage with companies on issues like strategy, risk and corporate governance.
We believe that actively engaging with companies, and the respective decisionmakers and stakeholders in the company, would be more effective to improve sustainability performance and corporate behavior when contrasted to excluding ourselves from engaging with the companies. By sharing ESG objectives, policies and practices with the portfolio company and seeking their formal commitment by incorporating ESG issues into the deal documents to support the development of a corrective action plan, after which, we closely follow the progress made by the company.
5.3 Exclusions
When companies are involved in certain controversial activities, we will refrain from investment in those companies. Also, we will consider divesting from and excluding companies when our efforts to change company behaviour do not make sufficient progress.
Xeraya will not invest in companies that:
i. Have demonstrated a systematic denial of basic human rights;
ii. Are engaged in a pattern of non-compliance with environmental regulations;
iii.Production or activities involving harmful or exploitative forms of forced labour1/harmful child labour2; and
iv. Have suspicious business ethics and practices.
1 Forced labour means all work or service, not voluntarily performed, that is extracted from an individual under threat of force or penalty
2Harmful child labour means the employment of children that is economically exploitative, or is likely to be hazardous to, or to interfere with, the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health, or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development
Xeraya will not make any investments in the Prohibited Investments in the Appendix A of the FMA. The relevant prohibited investments are reproduced below:
i. Certain sectors where “ethical” considerations may preclude investments e.g. gaming, tobacco, alcohol etc;
ii. Investments which may be detrimental to national interests; and
iii.Investments in certain countries regions where political or economic risks are not sufficiently understood or mitigated.
In recognizing several areas that may prompt questions from partners, employees and other stakeholders, we feel compelled to take a company position, as elaborated below.
Human Trials
XCL expects investee companies conducting human clinical trials to comply with and demonstrate compliance to the ethics and licensing requirements established for clinical testing consistent with local laws where the trials are conducted.
Environment and Biodiversity
Care for nature, the environment and preserving biodiversity are important business responsibilities. In cases where an investee companies’ business practices will involve managing pollutants and contamination, it is important to demonstrate compliance to related local regulations on pollution control. Where there is absence of such local laws, companies should demonstrate compliance with established global standards, of which the UN Convention on Biological Diversity is an example.
Animal Welfare
XCL expects that animal welfare concerns to be taken seriously by businesses whose operations involve or depend on animals. XCL advocates relevant companies that do tests involving animals should take all efforts to identify laws and licensing requirements related to animal testing methodologies and to demonstrate compliance such local laws, or in its absence, standards of an established regulatory agency in the same jurisdiction relating to ethics, welfare and prevention of cruelty of animal testing.
XCL will encourage the management teams of portfolio companies to identify and raise material ESG issues to the relevant decision-makers, including, where appropriate, board-level individuals.
Where appropriate, XCL will assist portfolio companies in the development of action plans to adequately address the identified ESG-related risks and opportunities. Where applicable, this may be part of the 100-day plan.
Where appropriate and reasonable, XCL will also support its portfolio companies’ efforts to report externally and internally on their ESG approach and performance as related to material ESG issues. XCL will communicate to portfolio companies its commitment to responsible investment, as well as information on XCL’s programs for partnering on ESG issues.